Undercover Sting Leads to Discovery of Several Legitimate Massage Parlors in West Pasco


On Saturday, the Pasco Sheriff’s Office announced that after an extensive investigation, they have uncovered a string of West Pasco massage parlors that offer legitimate massage services. Sheriff Nocco said he was “absolutely shocked” to learn of four massage parlors in New Port Richey that offer nothing but legitimate massage and aromatherapy services.

The legitimate massage parlors were uncovered due to an undercover sting operation conducted by the Pasco Sheriff’s Office. The operation consisted of three undercover officers requesting additional services at various massage parlors throughout Pasco. After frequenting over twenty massage parlors in the West Pasco area, the officers were able to identify four parlors that seemed to be law-abiding, legitimate, transparent businesses, which is what concerns the department the most.

On Monday, Sheriff Nocco made an official statement regarding the legitimate massage parlors. He stated that the seemingly innocent parlors are “obviously hiding something”, and that his department will continue to pursue possible avenues of legal prosecution. He added,

The seeming innocence of these establishments is their downfall. It is clear that they are hiding something nefarious, and we won’t rest until we find out what it is.

While Nocco explained that while the four true massage parlors are expected to remain open, he is hopeful that they will experience a significant drop in business after Pasco citizens learn of their true nature.

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