Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco confirmed that deputies are still on the lookout for the demons that forced a local Hudson man to choke his pregnant girlfriend after an argument about Xbox.
We recently took a suspect into custody after his pregnant girlfriend showed us bruises and scratch marks on her neck and claimed he choked her because she was playing Xbox. After obtaining further information, we learned that the suspect was actually himself a victim of demonic possession. He then told us that after the attack, his demons left his body and fled south on US-19. We then realized that the suspect we had in custody was actually a victim as well, and that the real suspects were still on the loose.We have begun an extensive search of the Pasco area to locate the demons but have not located them thus far.
Pasco Sheriff deputies have escalated their search efforts in recent days to include K9 units that have been specifically trained to detect demon odor. Nocco concluded the press statement by assuring the public that his department will not rest until the perpetrators of this heinous crime are apprehended.
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